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Writer's pictureRenegade Airship

Mission Brief for a mummy

Bold Air Hussars and yet to be named Assault Pioneers, you will be raiding the British Museum tonight to retrieve a mummy.  There is about 120 there, but we only need the one.  It's the one that is mentioned in the Montague Summer's book.

Yes, there is a curse associated with this one.

This is going to be a smash and grab. Breech a side entrance, move like hell, grab the sarcophagus, hoist it up, and depart.  Probably not much more than half an hour all told.  We should be over the target around 0100, so load out, check weapons, plan your mission, conduct rehearsals, and get some sleep.

Glider Zouaves and HUMINT will be receiving a separate mission brief.  Be prepared for low profile action.  Civilian clothes.  You guys are going to LOVE this one.  It'll kick off immediately after the we recover the Bold Air Hussars.

Captain XO always has deviltry planned.

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Renegade Airship
Renegade Airship
02 oct 2019
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